Ruby On Rails Coding Bootcamp
1729 Enrolled
6 Courses & 57.5 Hours
What's Included

$300.00 Value
BDD with Ruby on Rails: Using RSpec 3 & Capybara
Mashrur Hossain
103 Lessons (13h)

- Experience level required: All levels
- Access 103 lectures & 13 hours of content 24/7
- Length of time users can access this course: Lifetime
Course Curriculum
103 Lessons (13h)
- Introduction: Up and running with Ruby on Rails 4.2 using cloud based IDEIntroductionCourse overview and best way to use the courseOverview of development environment setupDevelopment Environment UpdateSetup cloud-based integrated development environment using nitrousSetup local development environment (Mac users only optional)Get familiar with development environment and wrap up Section 1Alternative IDE - Sign up and use Cloud9 as the IDE instead of nitrousAlternative IDE - Sign up and use Koding as the IDE instead of nitrous
- Testing and SetupMVC structure of Rails applicationsIntroduction to testing - unit, regression and RSpecStart a new Blog application without default test unitSetup a Github account and add SSH keyCreate a Github repository for the web app and wrap up Section 2
- Build Feature Tests - BDDSetup RSpec and CapybaraGit branch and create article feature testSetup Bootstrap, add navigation and messagesNew article and routeNew template code - documentComplete create actionAdd Guard to the applicationRun guard and fix a minor bug during additionAdd validations for articlesFlash vs. Flash.nowListing articles featureShowing articles featureUpdate guard for wanted behaviorEditing articles featureDeleting articles featureRefactor the code
- User ManagementIntroduction to usersInstall Devise in the applicationCreate User model and signup featureUpdate Devise viewsFix viewUser sign in featureCustomize Devise views and create partialsUser sign outBuild one-to-many associationReview app from the UI (browser), add styling and clean up branchesRestrict access to certain features from UIRestrict access in controller
- Comments feature - nested routesAdd comments featurearticles/show.html.erb templateComplete comments featureProject Homework: Deploy to Production using Heroku
- Workout App - User ManagementIntroduction and app previewHomework: Create a new Workout App rails projectSolution: Create a new Workout App rails projectHomework assignment: Create first feature specSolution: homepage feature specHomework assignment: Add guard to applicationSolution: add guard to the applicationCreate homepage and add Bootstrap to the applicationCode template for application.html.erb prior to updates made in lecture 51Setup DeviseHomework assignment: Create feature spec for user signupSolution: User signup feature specUser signupHomework assignment: Create feature spec for user sign inSolution: User sign in feature specUser sign inHomework assignment: Create feature spec for user sign outSolution: User sign out feature specUser sign outBeautify Devise viewsTemplates for sign up and new viewsOverride devise error messages! methodTemplate for devise error messages! method and custom.css.scss stylingCreate partials - header and mainRestrict links and wrap up Section 6
- Exercise ManagementIntroduction to section 7 and build feature specRoutes and controller for exercisesExercise model and association with userBuild new exercise, update user model and add form partialTemplate for _form.html.erb partialShow action and templateTemplate for show.html.erbValidations: Invalid exercise feature test and implementationAdd datepickerListing workoutsAdding graphs to exercise listing and default scopeCode for exercise.js fileEdit workoutsDelete workouts and wrap up Section 7
- Working with UsersIntroduction to Section 8 and fix flash messages bugAdd users listings to homepageAdd usernames to usersAdd validations for namesAdd pagination to users listingsSearch usersCode for by name methodWrap up section 8 and clean up broken specs due to name validations
- Follow/Unfollow FriendsIntroduction and follow friend feature specMany to many association between users and friends through friendshipsCreate controller and routes for friendshipsDisplay friendsShow friend's workout detailsShowing friend workout details feature spec documentUnfollow a friendReview, final updates, app wrap up and homework assignmentThank you for taking the course
- Misc - Items and links useful for courseGithub repository links for the apps built in the course
BDD with Ruby on Rails: Using RSpec 3 & Capybara
Mashrur HossainMashrur Hossain has been a technology professional for over a decade and holds degrees in both Computer Science and Economics. He has worked with Enterprise Software Systems throughout his career with roles in analysis, development, and management. He is very passionate about web application development, and believes Ruby on Rails has proven to be a very strong force in this field. Join him for his comprehensive Ruby on Rails Developer courses as he guides you through the world of web application development using Rails.
Emmanuel Asante studied mining engineering and information systems at the University of South Africa. While working in the mines, he developed various mining, rock mechanics, and geological applications using languages ranging from Perl, Turbo Pascal to C#, Java and Ruby. In particular, he developed a mining production information management system, as well as a pit crew performance management system, both for Thompson Creek Metals (Endako Mines). Also noteworthy was his client management application for Snowden Mining Industry Consultants.
For more details on this course and the instructors, click here. This course is hosted by StackSkills, the premier eLearning destination for discovering top-shelf courses on everything from coding—to business—to fitness, and beyond!
This unique course provides a thorough introduction to using Behavior Driven Development (BDD) to build web applications with Ruby on Rails. Why? The advantages go on and on-- for example the feature specs used extensively in BDD read like plain English. This allows end users and developers to easily communicate with each other, and even allows end users to write the features themselves.
- Learn Behavior Driven Development w/ over 103 lectures & 13 hours of content
- Gain essential RSpec & Capybara experience for automated testing
- Emulate browser-based user behavior to complete a business process from beginning to end
- Give your resume a boost
- Build two complex & functional web apps
- Learn to work w/ external JavaScript libraries for charts & date pickers
- Study migrations, one-to-many & many-to-many associations
- Utilize Rails 4.2
Details & Requirements
- Length of time users can access this course: lifetime
- Access options: web streaming
- Certification of completion not included
- Redemption deadline: redeem your code within 30 days of purchase
- Experience level required: intermediate
- Basic understanding of Rails suggested
- Internet required

$300.00 Value
The Professional Ruby on Rails Developer
Mashrur Hossain
94 Lessons (15h)

$149.00 Value
Learn Ruby on Rails by Building Projects
Eduonix Learning Solutions
47 Lessons (13h)

$149.00 Value
Comprehensive Ruby on Rails
Jordan Hudgens
38 Lessons (6.5h)

$299.00 Value
Ruby on Rails for Web Development
John Elder
19 Lessons (5h)

$99.00 Value
Ruby on Rails for Beginners
Stone River e-Learning
38 Lessons (5h)
- Unredeemed licenses can be returned for store credit within 30 days of purchase. Once your license is redeemed, all sales are final.
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Awesome product
Nov 5, 2018
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